Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Semi Finals Feedback


Feedback received for prototype:
Maybe make it out of recycled metal
Put one somewhere in the school
Safety precautions
Ensure success rate -> We need to go pump iron

Slide feedback from Mentor

Presented our slides to our mentor


More practice needed: presentation too long
Prototype looked too dirty
Words on slides needed to be bigger

Follow up:
Slides were edited, prototype was wrapped in green tape:

The Second Prototype

 The Second Prototype

Can fits in through right chute
Slips into crushing chamber, when crushed it will fall through the gap


The First Prototype

First prototype completed
Weight slams down vertically on can to crush it

Issues: Can needs to be put in and afterwards manually removed

Meeting the CEO + Engineer


Had discussion with former CEO of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city, Mr Goh Chye Boon

Met up with an engineer who agreed to help us in the instruction of our prototype
He had a different idea from us:

He wanted to crush the can vertically: No need for counterbalance + gravity works with the crushing force

He explained that the construction process was too dangerous for us to help with
We visited him every day after school to check on the construction and discuss the design with him

3D Model for consideration + more sketches


Created 3D model of the foot of the invention, a manual trapdoor and leg stands, with hooks to hang plastic bags

Sketches that have more detail of the mechanism (still a bit messy)

Online Meeting


Held an online meeting to discuss the prototype

- Narrowed scope to just cans instead of general trash (too general = compromising effectiveness?)
- First sketches of prototype:

Horizontal crushing mechanism operated by lever suggested in Prelims
Trapdoor to manually pull out after can is crushed?
Material: 3-D Printed?

Pilot Testing, touch-ups and a GIF

15/8/17 Sticker added to prototype to differentiate General Waste compartment from Cans compartment: Pilot testing done to test prot...